About InstantFind

InstantFind® is a Bluetooth Module. In addition to having all the functions of Bluetooth, it can also upload any data to the cloud (time/coordinates/temperature/ Humidity/height various information).

From a hardware perspective, the InstantFind® Module is an ultra-low-power Bluetooth Module (long distance/ultra-low power consumption). It transmits once every 2 seconds and only requires < 0.08mW. It can replace any Bluetooth Module on the market. Provide original Bluetooth functions and services. Looking at the entire system, in addition to the Bluetooth transmission function, it can also perform background one-way low-speed data upload to the cloud at a few Bytes (text) per second without network or pairing.

Looking at the entire system, in addition to the Bluetooth transmission function, it can also perform background one-way low-speed data upload to the cloud at a few Bytes (text) per second without network or pairing. As a partner of Nordic Semiconductor, InstantFind® uses Nordic Bluetooth low-power solutions, which are very suitable for application in the field of smart medical and health care products to assist in the transmission of various physiological data. It also works closely with Nordic Semiconductor to promote related markets, in other IoT applications, smart cities (smart trash cans/toilet paper), cold chain, and fleet management, uploading various environmental data.

InstantFind® has a wide range of application markets and suitable usage scenarios. It is almost ubiquitously integrated into all walks of life in our daily lives. Bluetooth is a necessary mainstream transmission function for every mobile phone. In the Bluetooth-related market alone, InstantFind® Bluetooth Module (BLE ) replaces the Bluetooth Modules already on the market and can provide a more cost-effective business model than other Bluetooth Modules. InstantFind® Bluetooth Module combines cloud transmission services with background information that others do not have, creating greater added value.

InstantFind® utilizes billions of mobile devices or websites around the world to help locate or obtain data without the need for GPS or SIM cards. The device can send encrypted Bluetooth signals to surrounding mobile devices that provide real-time data services, and internally search for device data in real time and transmit it to the owner. On the device, the process adds encrypted, providing customers with a simple way to track any device data, it has advanced from using Bluetooth range to a global transmission system, expanding its application scope, such as the automotive market, healthcare, environmental sensing and other different aspects.


Instant-Find: Location, Asset, and Personnel Tracking Solution